Prayer for Peace
“Peace I leave you, my peace I give you.”
Lord Jesus, we receive this word from you with faith and hope
during these difficult moments in our history.
The peace that you give goes far beyond the one the world offers us—
beyond any movements for peace made in our Church
in our country and in the world.
Lord Jesus, may your peace, following the example of Saint Brother André
take root so deeply in our hearts
that it radiates in our words, our actions and all our relationships.
Every day you send us forth to witness
that love is more powerful than hate and violence.
Give us your Spirit of courage
that we may, individually and collectively
help heal the wounds
caused by lies, injustice and abuse of power.
Safeguard us firmly in the truth of your love.
We ask this of you, who live and reign with the Father,
in the unity of the Spirit, for ever and ever.