At Easter we remember the most beautiful and greatest liberation ever offered to humanity: God raising Jesus his Son from the dead.

Like the women of the Gospel, we are invited to meet Jesus. Like them, let us be filled with joy. Jesus is here among us, alive and well. He is the light of the world. Let us allow him to speak to our hearts.

He, the Light of the world, makes us all the light that illuminates the Church and the world, just as each of our candles on Easter night illuminates the great Basilica of Saint Joseph’s Oratory. It makes us the light that illuminates the whole earth.

At Easter, more than at any other time, I understand the wonder of Brother André who never ceased to contemplate the One who is the splendor of the Father, Jesus, the Son of God, as we sing at the Easter vigil.

At Easter let us take the time to welcome the Word of God. Let us let God speak to our hearts. And our hearts will be in celebration. I am sure you will agree with me: Easter night is the most wonderful night of all, we are sure of it, Christ is risen! These three words play an essential role in our lives.

This is not just a formula. I assure you that these three words can transform a whole life as they transformed the lives of the disciples of Jesus, the lives of Brother André and many others. These words have been around for more than two thousand years, and for millions of people they are still very relevant. These three words can resonate within us like an endless echo, like a confidence that shakes our lives.

Christ is risen! These three words call out to each and every one of us.
You who are sick, …with Christ on the cross, cry out! God hears your cry, he answers you as he answered his Son on Easter morning.

Christ is risen!
You who fall and get up again, and who fall again…do not resign yourself, get up again. God takes you by the hand to raise you up as he raised his Son on Easter morning.

Christ is risen!
You who find it so hard to forgive… God forgives you, because for him love is stronger than sin. The proof: the victory of his Son on Easter morning.

Christ is risen!
This is the story of the world that is being told to us. A long and often tragic story, as in Ukraine, where men and women are fighting for their lives, fighting for their dignity. It is also our story.

God accompanies us and supports us in our struggles. God wants with us the victory of love and the victory of life. It is for the advent of this double victory that he sent his Son to the men and women who struggle.

Christ is risen! This is Good News for the whole of humanity. It is Good News for all those, small and great, rich and poor, happy and unhappy, who seek love and want to live in the light.

All we have to do is look carefully, listen carefully, but with the eyes and ears of faith. And the life that springs from Christ’s Passover will be given to us.

Yes, Christ is risen! And I would like these three words to be for each of us Good News that we want to share with as many people as possible. Good news that makes us overflow with joy and enthusiasm, good news that keeps us in peace and confidence. Finally, a Good News that invites us to share and solidarity for a more fraternal world, a world where everyone can live in dignity and pride.

I wish you all a very happy EASTER.