Companion of our ancestors

The year 2024 marks the 4th centenary of Canada’s consecration to Saint Joseph. As early as 1624, the Recollects, the first European missionaries to arrive in Nouvelle-France, consecrated the young colony and the nascent Church of Canada to Saint Joseph. Our great country’s patronage would later be formalized by two popes: Urban VIII in 1637 and Gregory XVI in 1834.

Joseph has long been a companion, watching over the faith of our ancestors from Europe and of the First Nations who found their Christian faith.

No wonder Joseph won the affection of our ancestors so early in our history! He who, chosen by God, had to show remarkable adaptability in the face of the vicissitudes of the Son of God’s arrival on earth. He was able to bring out this country’s inhabitant’s courage and resilience by understanding and supporting their hard beginnings.

For 400 years, Saint Joseph has been a companion to our history and our personal stories. Today, we come to him from all horizons to invoke his name with confidence and to honour him in this Novena.

Joseph, companion of our history,
you who have walked with us since the first day,
you who hear our prayers and requests,
watch over us and light our faithful path.

From The ORATORY magazine, January-April 2024, Novena Reflections