Hold Firm in the Faith

Brothers and Sisters in Christ: let us hold firm in the faith. Let us continue to protect ourselves and our families, and those others whom we love, indeed our whole society. In this time of trial, have no fear of asking for help from the Blessed Virgin Mary to whom this month of May is dedicated. Saint André says, “All the saints were helped by their devotion to the Blessed Virgin; Mary’s intercession is all powerful.”

Mary is the Mother of God. She is as well, ever since that moment at the Cross, our mother. Just as at Cana, Mary is attentive to our needs and insistently intercedes for us with Jesus. She will do even more when it is we who ask her to intercede on our behalf. So, do not hesitate to have recourse to her motherly intercession. Do not hesitate to look to the intervention of Saint Joseph. Saint André tells us, “When the blessed mother and Saint Joseph are both praying for you, that’s some powerful prayer!” So let us pray calling on our intercessors. At Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal, we are in communion with you.

We pray for you and we pray with you.
God loves us and is with you. He blesses you and watches over you. With Mary, our Mother in heaven, and Saint Joseph, our friend who intercedes for us, indeed with our very God who moves beside us, let us step forward every day in faith and hope.

Father Parnel Monrose, CSC