God will welcome us at the end of the journey… Hold fast to hope!

Before embarking on His public life, Jesus had an unusual encounter with the tempter. Three times, the devil used Scripture to tempt Him. Each time, Jesus put His adversary in his place by citing another passage of Scripture. With determination and subtlety, Jesus managed to resist the devil’s manipulations.

Saint Joseph also experienced a form of temptation – to reject Mary, pregnant by the Holy Spirit although they were not yet living together. Joseph did not panic. He simply listened to the Angel of the Lord, who came in a dream to reassure him about the right attitude to take. And he brought Mary home.

Brother André had to face all kinds of trials during the completion of his grand project. He also had to endure the misunderstanding and criticism of those around him. But he held to the path he had taken. He had the profound conviction that his plan had come from God.

The example of Jesus using the Word of God as a shield against the devil should reassure us about our path. In our moments of weakness, doubt, temptation, tribulation, are we able to plunge ourselves into the Word of God? If we get into the habit of turning to it, we will have the comfort of finding it close to us, on our lips and in our hearts. Let us hold fast to hope.

Saint Joseph, the just man, you who believed from the bottom of your heart, turn your kind gaze upon us. Teach us to look at our daily lives, our mission and the people around us with eyes of faith, a faith like yours: simple and open to the signs that our Father in heaven gives us.

Make a Novena to Saint Joseph, from March 10 to 18, 2019.