Day 4 of the Novena to Saint Joseph

God Welcomes Us Today… Return to Him with all your heart!

Listening to the book of Jonah…which reveals our hidden anger before the mercy of God!

On the fourth day of the Novena, we are asked a question: are we ready to allow ourselves to be reset? To what end? To reorient ourselves and truly rely on Jesus! To allow Jesus to become the centre, the foundation of our lives and of our joy… To allow ourselves to be welcomed by Him. To come back to God.

We are often like Jonah, who had trouble accepting God’s infinite love for us all! We’d like a loyalty program, a sort of Aeroplan for heaven. But it doesn’t work that way! We must rely, not on our own merits, but on Jesus. This unleashes in us an amazing vitality: we become the Word of God that we truly are!

Am I ready to follow the example of Saint Joseph, who allowed himself to be reset – completely – in order to welcome Jesus into my life?

From the Jerusalem Community Rule of Life:
Love. Open your whole being to the love of God with which God first loved you. Anchor yourself forever in this certitude, the only one that gives meaning, strength and joy to your life: his love for you will never go away nor his covenant of peace with you ever be overthrown. He has engraved your name on the palms of his hands. (no. 1)

Saint Joseph, you who allowed yourself to be unsettled, help us discover or rediscover a spirit of adaptability to become the Word of God that we are, each and every one, for the world today!

Make a Novena to Saint Joseph, from March 10 to 18, 2019.