Day 5 of the 2018 Novena to Saint Joseph

A Heritage Filled with Life

Life is that which defines us from our birth to our death and even beyond. We talk about human life, the intellectual life, the spiritual life, and eternal life. A life can be filled with happiness or with heartache; one can lead a virtuous life or a debauched life. There are those who must lead a life of anonymity and those who lead a life of celebrity….

Our faith in Jesus, once dead and now risen, is at the heart of our Christian life. Jesus defined himself as the Resurrection and the Life. Through the water of Baptism, we gain his promise of everlasting life. In our ordinary lives, we are called to choose life, and to choose the path of goodness and not that of evil. If we observe God’s commandments, and if we walk in the footsteps of Jesus, then we shall live.

Many people come to the Oratory to discover a deepened life through prayer, confession, and participation in the Eucharist.

Our Christian legacy is completely filled with God’s life, which is bestowed on us, and invites us, in turn, to be bearers of life.

Saint Joseph, you took care of Jesus for many years during his earthly life as he became the Way, the Truth, and the Life for all he encountered. Let us receive this eternal life in the joy which he promised and bestowed on us. Let Saint André teach us also to be bearers of life through the attention we pay and the mercy we extend.

Make a Novena to Saint Joseph, from March 10 to 18, 2018.