Day 8 of the Novena

A Confidence Put to the Test

Young Joseph, favoured child, becomes a slave! A confidence put to the test: he will become the most powerful man in Egypt (after the Pharaoh) and will save his own family from famine.

Joseph, husband-to-be, who intends to renounce Mary after he finds out that she is pregnant. A confidence put to the test when he feels he was betrayed in his love. Joseph, with Mary and Jesus, must flee into exile in Egypt to escape the same misfortune as all the children massacred by Herod! A confidence put to the test by the unknown.

Brother André, never let himself be overcome by difficulties. He will plant medals of Saint Joseph on the mountain side. A confidence in Saint Joseph, a confidence in his God. Brother André never stopped arousing and sustaining confidence within those who suffer.

A sad confidence on the part of the owner of the vineyard who, after the murder of his agents, sends his own son to the tenants in the hope that they will listen to him.

A sad confidence on the part of the beloved Son who weeps over Jerusalem. “How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!” (Matthew 23: 37)

Nevertheless, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is amazing in our eyes!” (Matthew 21:37)

A confidence which saves!

Saint Joseph, may we have an unshakable confidence in the goodness and love of God our Father despite any sort of hardship, in the same way as did Saint Brother André. Fortify us to be able to reassure and encourage all who are experiencing troubles.

Make a Novena to Saint Joseph, from March 10 to 18, 2017.