Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal invites you to a Lenten retreat on April 13.

Lead by Father Claude Grou, CSC and Father Jérôme José, CSC, in collaboration with Father Arul Jayaraj, CSC and Father Thomas Xavier Gomes, CSC.

Saturday April 13, 2019. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
25 $ per person, lunch and parking included

A.M.: At Joseph Olivier Pichelle Hall
P.M.: At the Basilica
Way of the Cross, Adoration/ Confession and Healing service
4:30 p.m. Palm Sunday Mass

Deadline for registration: April 7, 2019

Registration and information:
Father Thomas Xavier Gomes, CSC
514 733-8211, ext. 2401
Father Arul Jayaraj, CSC