A caregiver’s belief is an immense yes to life

Dear friends, well before the pandemic, the people that are now called guardian angels were already embodied in home caregivers, many of whom have taken Saint Brother André as their patron. Following him, home caregivers know that no matter what the ordeal we experience now, life cannot overmaster hope… when you want to believe. Believing is like an immense Yes to life.

Through his faith, Brother André reveals to us what power there is in a solidarity capable of reversing the causes of human suffering. Brother André teaches us the language of the heart and that of faith, so worthwhile for those who consecrate their life of service to persons who are suffering and are in need.

Many thanks to home caregivers who, like Saint Brother André build a world where compassion and attention to others admit no exceptions. They can adopt this beautiful Easter hymn which proclaims:

Jesus, who set my heart ablaze
At the convergence of the Scriptures,
Do not allow their insults
To settle down within me.
Turn my direction inward,
Press my steps to where they will
So that your ardent joyfulness
May set alight others!…
And, by your name within my gaze,
Make yourself known!

Dear caregivers, may Saint Brother André and Saint Joseph watch over each of you and help you, in this time of pandemic, to believe in the risen Christ, he who set your heart ablaze with his Love. And, things will get better.


Father Jean-Pierre Aumont, CSC