Day 6 of the 2018 Novena to Saint Joseph

A Heritage Borne by Witnesses

A testimony is composed of two linked elements: remembrance and its expression. To really testify to an event, one must first of all have witnessed it. One testifies to what one has seen and heard. In a testimony, remembrance is important. Expression — either by word or action — is an integral part of the testimony.

Our faith is rooted in a long line of deliverance and holiness, ever since Abraham until present-day saints. At the core of our Christian remembrance is Jesus risen from the dead. Through his teaching and his miracles, Jesus testified to God’s goodness as a Father rich in mercy. And now it is our turn to be witnesses to the kingdom of God in our world. This is the mission that Jesus has entrusted to his disciples and one that the Church has pursued across the centuries, indeed, across the globe.

At Saint Joseph’s Oratory, Brother André was a special witness his whole life long to the love of God for God’s little ones, and the weak, and the poor, through his charism of healing.

The legacy that we received at our baptism we must live out openly to be able to truly testify.

Saint Joseph, you were a special witness to the life, words and actions of Jesus. Help us to witness from our experience about all we have seen and heard of the Good News. May the life of Brother André incite us to attest to that same legacy of love toward the world around us!

Make a Novena to Saint Joseph, from March 10 to 18, 2018.