Volunteering may take many faces at Saint Joseph’s Oratory…

Every day, our volunteers contribute to the shrine’s mission in many different ways; each one of them guided per his/her preferences and desire :

  • Making an engagement in the service of the liturgy
  • Joining our services to the pilgrims (Saint Joseph’s Volunteers’ Program)
  • Contributing to the Work of the Pilgrimage of the Sick


There are many opportunities to serve the pilgrims available to you.

Liturgical Services

You will assist the priest during celebrations by providing Altar services and performing readings.

We will be happy to accept whatever available time you wish to provide.

You must have a sense of the sacred, wear appropriate clothing in public, be punctual, of Catholic faith, agree to receive training an to take an aptitude test.

In regard to readings, you must have good diction.

Prior experience is not required. Training and technical support will be provided to you.

Saint Joseph’s Volunteers

Serving the pilgrims, the welcoming services and the pastoral team

You will be called upon to support pastoral activites throughout the year at the Oratory.

The Volunteers team members welcome pilgrims to the Eucharist, give directions, answer questions, give out liturgical material and other documents. They collect offerings and also see to the good operation of celebrations in relation to the pilgrims, particularily during the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

We ask for a sustained commitment of at least 10 hours per month (on Saturdays and/or Sundays and during special celebrations throughout the year.) You are invited to fill out a form, have a meeting with the Service representatives and go through a period of preparation lasting a few weeks.

We welcome English speaking candidates as well! Please call or write to us for more details.

Work of the Pilgrimage of the Sick (WPS)

You will insure presence, support, encouragement and accompaniement to aged or sick visitors and pilgrims during celebrations, visits or events.

You must have good hosting skills and be an attentive listener.

Providing universal access to the Oratory’s various services is at the heart of the WPS.

For more information, contact the Visitor and Pilgrim Services. Welcome to all!


Father Jonas St-Martin, CSC

Telephone 514 733-8211 ext. 2791